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Plants aphrodisiac

Ginseng (panax ginseng)

Ginseng is a herbaceous plant native to northeastern China, eastern Russia and North Korea. The part used is the root that is harvested at maturity after 5-7 years of cultivation. Jin Chen in Chinese means "man root"because of the anthropomorphic aspect quite striking its root.

Properties: The Chinese view ginseng as a panacea for preserving and providing health and longevity. The root is rich in ginsenosides, which have a tonic action on the body. It is rich in amino acids, vitamins E, C, B, phosphorus and iron. In humans, clinical observations have shown the stimulatory effects of ginseng sexual level.

The root of Panax is used in case of lack of vitality, fatigue, physical or intellectual, but also in the treatment of disorders of senescence and stress. This fabulous reputation earned him the name Panax derives from the Greek word "Panakeia", the goddess who cures all ills.

Soybean (Glycine max)

Grown and consumed in large quantities in Asia, soy is a true health food. It is consumed in 4 different forms that do not have the same nutritional qualities:
  • The soy bean,
  • Bean sprouts are mung bean sprouts (mung beans)
  • The juice that is produced from soybeans that must first soak, wash, crush and press
  • Soybean oil rich in vitamin E, antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids, protecting the heart and blood vessels.
Soy can reduce premenstrual syndrome, it relieves menopausal disorders and thanks to its content in phyto-oestrogens, plant hormones true. Soybeans contain 14% saturated fat and 63% polyunsaturated fat. They play a protective role of the heart and arteries, it lowers blood cholesterol in the blood and therefore reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Soy is also a good ally for weight loss and weight loss because it is composed of complex carbohydrates that provide energy gradually and it is very rich in protein.
Soybeans are an important source of vitamins (B9, E), minerals (iron, calcium, potassium) and fiber to help digestion and bowel movements.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is often used for relief of nausea: after surgery, during pregnancy, to fight against sickness, it helps digestion and is recognized for treatment of intestinal gas, colic, diarrhea and other upset stomach.

It also relieves headaches, helps fight against colds and flu.

It lowers cholesterol, blood triglycerides, fatty acid and phospholipids.

Ginger has an anti-inflammatory, it relieves rheumatism.

Finally, it was always given to this plant aphrodisiac.

Caution: It is recommended to limit consumption of 2 grams per day.

Garlic (Allium stivum L)

Garlic is known to decrease the tension because it allows the dilation of the arteries. Some recent studies have shown that garlic stimulates the reproductive functions by promoting the formation of sperm. In association with Thyme is a good vermifuge.
To avoid unpleasant breath and degradation of active ingredients by the gastric juice, it is better to prefer the use of garlic powder coated capsules.

Kola (cola nitida)

Cola comes from the kola (family Sterculiaceae), a tree native to tropical Africa and introduced in South America and the Caribbean by slaves.

These seeds, improperly called "nuts" are the interesting part in herbal medicine. Traditionally have recognized the properties of Kola nuts as a stimulant physical, sexual and intellectual, with its component rich in alkaloids, caffeine (about 2%), and theobromine.

It is a central nervous system stimulant, diuretic as kola nut increases urine output, vasoconstriction and broncho-dilator.

Preparation: You can chew slowly nuts (between 3 and 8 per day) or take an infusion (4 to 8 g per day, if we want distributed in 1 or more cups).

The Kola-cons is formally indicated in cases of gastric ulcer, gastritis, cardiac arrhythmia, anxiety, high blood pressure in children, pregnant and breast-feeding.
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