| treatment of infertility | Medicals formulas
- Support for products containing vitamin c.
- Hormone replacement therapy: some of these causes of infertility can be overcome by hormonal treatment and / or surgical
- Artificial insemination (male sterility)
- In vitro fertilization (infertility in women and men)
Natural Formulas. Treatment by plants The natural formulas have been used to overcome problems of infertility in men as in women. This treatment method is used in Africa and has advantages on the duration of treatment that is short and also products used are natural risk-free guaranteed side effects or complications. This method of treatment by natural formulas is now used worldwide for causes beneficial of the plants. Doctors often recommend natural formulas that are inexpensive that surgery with all its attendant consequences on the body. If you do not suffer such a malformation of the body that requires surgery, in this case, we recommend that you use natural formulas. We advised for patients and they found satisfaction. We sell 2 types of products against sterility or infertility: OVUPLANT ®(infertility in women) and SPERPLANT® (infertility in the man). |
| beneficts of ovuplant against infertility in women | - Rich in vitamin c
- No effect on diabetes .
- Washing the tubes and improves production and quality of eggs
- Improves the quality of eggs
- Improves sexual activity in women
| beneficts of sperplant against infertility in men | Rich in vitamin c
- No effect on diabetes
- Improves the quality of hormones
- Increase semen volume and improves the quality and mobility of sperm
- Improve male virility
| | ovuplant against infertility in women = 49 Euros |
| sperplant against infertility in men = 55 Euros | |
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